Jabberwocky Audio Theater All-in-One Audio Buffet
July 2012. As events come to a head, Jimmy Harmon finds himself finally confronting the conspirators behind the White Bluff Restoration Trust. But as the situation escalates, Jimmy is forced to grapple with an uncomfortable realization — and the sudden loss of a key ally. Unable to escape, Jimmy finds himself in mortal peril as the plotters take whatever action they can to prevent their schemes from coming to light — in shockingly extreme fashion.

Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested

Contains semi-adult language (“ass,” a few instances of “bitch” and “SOB,” JC’s name in vain, “crap” and descriptive variants thereof, “damn” and associated variations, including “GD,” “dumbass,” “jackass,” “pissant,” “screwed over,” multiple uses of “hell”), horse-race gambling, homicide by firearm, threatening with a gun, hand-to-hand violence with lethal outcome, unsafe flying (with a shameful lack of proper seatbelt usage), and nefarious scheming of the world-dominating variety.

Direct download: quorum_ep022.m4a
Category:Quorum -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

July 2012. Poker player Jimmy Harmon and his ex-girlfriend Robin Freeman have at last uncovered the truth behind the White Bluff Restoration Trust’s plans. But knowing the truth and being able to prove it are different things entirely. Jimmy plans to return to his exclusive private poker game in an attempt to glean more information while Robin collects their evidence — a course that may be complicated by an ill-conceived betrayal of trust between the pair… and an unforeseen danger awaiting Jimmy.

Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested

Contains semi-adult language (uses of “bitch” and “SOB,” several uses of “damn” and variations thereof, including “GD,” several uses of “hell” and descriptive forms thereof, “pissed,” “screw up” and “screwed over,” “Oh my God” as an exclamation, JC’s name taken in vain), horse-race gambling, torture and its aftermath, intimations of extramarital relations, wildly unrestrained gunfire, Hand-to-hand violence with lethal outcome, auto theft, vehicular assault, and homicide by firearm.

Direct download: quorum_ep021.m4a
Category:Quorum -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

July 2012. After escaping capture thanks to the timely intervention of driver Eleanor Wallis, Jimmy Harmon and Robin Freeman are forced to lick their wounds  both emotional and physical  and reconsider their actions. But a fortuitous realization may put them back on the course for truth  if Jimmy can convince a recalcitrant Eleanor to reveal more than she has been willing to share as of yet.
Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested
Contains semi-adult language (SOB, crap, several uses of damn and associated variations, sucks, two uses of hell, Oh my God used as an exclamation, JCs name in vain, ), gambling (horse racing), torture (and the aftermath thereof), vehicular assault, evading legal authorities by means of unsafe driving practices, and unrestrained gunplay.
Direct download: quorum_ep020.m4a
Category:Quorum -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

July 2012. Jimmy Harmon has uncovered a troubling connection between the work he has been doing for venture capitalist Anton Kreitzer and the ongoing danger that threatens his ex-girlfriend Robin Freeman. And digging through the secret papers of the mysterious real estate group implicated in these threats reveals little else. But in their quest to find more concrete evidence of wrongdoing, Jimmy and Robin may find themselves in far graver danger than either of them could anticipate.

Rated AD-PG, so parental guidance is suggested

Contains semi-adult language (“crap,” several uses of “damn” and associated variations, “dumbass,” several mentions of “hell,” “pissed,” and using JC’s name in vain), horse-race gambling, breaking and entering, threatening with a gun and various sharp-bladed implements, torturing a character for information, and vehicular assault.

Direct download: quorum_ep019.m4a
Category:Quorum -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT